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Stromiec – August 3, 2021

The Lasting Memory Foundation located and commemorated the burial place of Motel Zysmanowicz – the resident of Stromiec murdered by the Germans in 1942.

Bojewo – August 2, 2021

In a forest in Bojewo the Lasting Memory Foundation located the burial place of a Jewish man murdered in 1943. He fled from the extermination camp in Treblinka during the uprising on 2 August 1943. After escaping more than ten kilometers through the woods, he was captured and shot to death in a German manhunt and then buried at the execution site.

Krasne – July 20, 2021

The Lasting Memory Foundation located the grave of 35 Jews – residents of Krasne village, murdered by the Germans on February 11, 1942. The testimonies of eyewitnesses were collected and the names of the Victims were identified.

Sitno – July 13, 2021

In Sitno the Lasting Memory Foundation established the location of the grave of a Jewish man Herszek – the resident of Sitno murdered by the Germans in 1942 – and 30 Jews from Czech, including women and children employed at a German agricultural property and executed in 1943.

Karolew- April 21, 2021

In the village of Karolew the Lasting Memory Foundation located and marked the burial place of a Jewish family of 9 murdered by the German military police in 1943.

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