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Herzliyya - January 9, 2010

On 9 January 2010 in Herzliyya, the Foundation Board participated in a meeting with the Holocaust Survivors living in the Lublin area before the war. The quests came from Janow Lubelski, Ryki, Luków, Zelechów, Wlodawa and Stoczek Wegrowski.
The Survivors made testimonies of their experiences from the times of war. We got to know their hiding places during the Nazi occupation and the names of Jews buried in the unmarked graves in Poland.

Qiryat Gat- January 8, 2010

On 8 January 2010 in Qiryat Gat, The Lasting Memory Foundation took part in a birthday party of one of the Survivors born near Janów Lubelski. Zbigniew Nizinski and Daniel Starzynski gave a speech concerning the assistance to Jews near Janów Lubelski.

Tiberias - January 7, 2010

Zbigniew Nizinski and Daniel Starzynski from the Lasting Memory Foundation took part in a marathon in Tiberias, on 7 January 2010. Their run was dedicated to the memory of the Holocaust victims as well as the survivors. They were the only Polish participants of the event, deeply moved by the fact that they had a chance to be in the reborn Israel, keeping in mind the victims of the war and running along with the young generations of Israelis.

Israel- 4-17 January 2010

At the beginning of January, the Foundation Board set off to Israel in order to find the Holocaust Survivors and collect their accounts concerning the unmarked mass graves in Poland. Our meetings with the last living witnesses of the Holocaust enabled us to prepare a documentation of the martyrdom sites of Jews and Poles who assisted them during the Nazi occupation.

Warsaw- December 27, 2009

27 December 2009 was the 70th anniversary of the first mass execution of civilians in occupied Warsaw. The Appeal of Casualties took place on the execution site on 27 December Street. Among participants of the ceremony were: the President of Warsaw Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, representatives of Polish Armed Forces, the authorities, several associations and many residents. The Lasting Memory Foundation laid a wreath at the memorial stone.

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