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Szenejki – September 22, 2019

In Szenejki near Łomazy, the Lasting Memory Foundation together with the local residents marked the murder site of about 40 Jews – prisoners of a German labor camp. The ceremony by the memorial stones was attended by the residents, commune authorities and a group of 120 students from Israel.

Łomazy – July 1, 2019

In Łomazy The Lasting Memory Foundation, together with local residents, marked the burial place of about 30 Jews murdered by the Germans on August 20, 1942. The meeting next to the grave was attended by a group from Israel and local inhabitants. They paid tribute to the dead and remembered the tragic events of 1942.

Adamów near Zamosc- 28 may 2019

In Adamów the Lasting Memory Foundation commemorated the place of execution and burial of 20 Jews, men, women and children murdered in 1943. The ceremony next to the Victims’ grave was attended by representative of Chancellery of the President of Poland, clergy, authorities, a group of 40 people from Israel and local residents. The participants paid tribute to the victims through prayers, poems and songs.

Szewnia Górna – March 25, 2019

In a school in Szewnia Górna the Lasting Memory Foundation delivered a presentation on commemorating the people and places related to the common history of Poles and Jews. The students were familiarized with the fate of Jews murdered during the Holocaust, including the former residents of the area, as well as the stories of them being rescued from the extermination.

Wereszczyn – February 28, 2019

In the town of Wereszczyn, Zbigniew Niziński took part in a meeting between the youth from Akko and Aszdod in Israel and the students from Urszulin at the murder site of the town’s Jews in 1942. The murdered Victims and the Survivor Miriam Zunszajn, then nine years old, were remembered. The participants recited poems, sang songs and lit candles.

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