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Jodłowa – October 20, 2014

Once again, on October 20, the Lasting Memory Foundation, the students from the Jewish Culture Section of the Middle East Circle of the Jagiellonian University and the workers appointed by Jodłowa Commune Office conducted inventory of matzevot on the Jewish cemetery in Jodłowa. Russ Maurer, whose roots lie in Jodłowa, came from the US to participate in the cemetery works. The list of names and dates from over 80 matzevot was updated and complemented. A gravesite inspection of the burial pit of two Jews from Jodłowa, murdered in 1943, was conducted in a nearby forest.

Zakrzówek – September 9, 2014

An unveiling ceremony was held in the town of Zakrzówek, next to the graves of over 20 Poles of Jewish origin murdered by German soldiers in the fall of 1942 and now commemorated by the Foundation. The victims were the residents of Zakrzówek who had been hiding in the town in order not to be deported to the ghetto of Kraśnik. Local authorities, students and guests paid tribute to the dead.

Las Knieja near Aleksandrówka – September 9, 2014.

In Knieja Forest, the Lasting Memory Foundation placed memorial stones over 6 graves of those murdered there between 1942 and 1943. Among over 50 victims are Poles and Jews who were killed while hiding in that forest. Next to erected stones, the Foundation performed a ceremony which was attended by representatives of state and local governments, clergy, guests from Israel, students from local schools and residents.

Stawce near Kraśnik – September 6, 2014

A burial place of 2 Jews murdered by the Germans in 1942 was marked with the help of the locals. Two young Jews, who were hiding in the area, used to visit one of Stawce residents to get food. One day, as they were crossing a road to return into the woods, they were spotted by a German patrol and shot to death.

Zakrzówek – August 12, 2014

A meeting between the students of Beit Berl College Israel and the eyewitness to the events of 1942 took place next to memorial plaques set up by the Foundation next to the graves of over 20 Jews murdered by German soldiers. Among the participants was Jakow Tepler, dean of Beit Berl College, whose relative Abram Tepler is buried along with other commemorated victims.

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