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LISZNO – November 14, 2013

In the town of Liszno, at the burial place of local Jews murdered by the Germans in May 1942, the ceremony of unveiling a memorial stone set up by the Lasting Mamory Foundation took place. The town’s residents, students from a local school and other guests gathered near the memorial to pay tribute to the dead.

After a welcoming introduction of the mayor of Rejowiec Fabryczny Commune, the Chief Rabbi of Poland and the parish priest prayed together. After the speech of the local school’s principal, the students made a poetry and music performance. The Foundation’s president Zbigniew Niziński recalled the memories of Liszno residents regarding the Jews living in the town until May 1942. Chaim and his sons Lejba and Lejzor had a shop, a small business was also owned by Icek. Szulim was a glassworker, local Jews prayed in his house. Szmul was a shoemaker, Srulik owned a dairy. Necha and Chawka were traders. There was also poor Pereć who had many children…
The ceremony was attended by authorities of the nearby villages.
The chairs standing near the memorial during the ceremony were a token of the residents’ hospitality.

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