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Zakrzowek – March 12, 2014

W In a local school in Zakrzowek, Zbigniew Nizinski introduced the students to the common history of Poles and Jews. The lecture was complemented with a presentation on the people and places memorialized by the Foundation. Drawing on the case of a Jewish family Erenberg, the students were equipped with the knowledge of the life and extermination of Zakrzówek Jewish community. Among the participants were the school’s Assistant Principal Mariola Surma and the teachers. After the lecture, the school’s delegation and Zbigniew Nizinski visited the sites of National Remembrance in Zakrzowek.

Candles were lit up near the grave of 9 Jews murdered by the Germans in 1942, commemorated by the Foundation, and near the martyrdom site of 21 Poles killed in 1943.

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