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Łomazy – October 19, 2017

In the Hały Forest, the Lasting Memory Foundation in cooperation with local residents marked with a memorial stone the burial place of approximately 25 Jews murdered on August 18, 1942. The unveiling ceremony was attended by the youth from Łomazy and Israel, representatives of the Chancellery of the President of Poland, local authorities, clergy and the residents.

The ceremony was attended by: Representative of the Chancellery of the President of Poland – Dawid Drabik, Chief Rabbi of Poland Michael Schudrich, Catholic Bishop Mieczysław Cisło from the Polish Episcopate, local authorities, Principal of the School Complex in Łomazy with the students, the youth from Hadera and Netania from Israel, Caretaker of the Memorial Site in the Hały Forest – Mieczysław Trochimiuk, President of the Lasting Memory Foundation Zbigniew Niziński and local residents. With their speeches, prayers, poems and songs the ceremony participants paid honors to the dead and overtly opposed genocide.
On August 18, 1942 in the Hały Forest the German Reserve Police Battalion 101 and their Eastern European helpers from Hiwi units executed about 1700 Jews –men, women and children. At the end of the execution, the Germans forced about 25 Jews to bury the victims and shot them to death afterwards. They were buried in another location. After 75 years the Lasting Memory Foundation found their grave.

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