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Łomazy – July 1, 2019

In Łomazy The Lasting Memory Foundation, together with local residents, marked the burial place of about 30 Jews murdered by the Germans on August 20, 1942. The meeting next to the grave was attended by a group from Israel and local inhabitants. They paid tribute to the dead and remembered the tragic events of 1942.

In May 1942 the Germans gathered approximately 1800 Jews in a ghetto in Łomazy. On August 18, 1942 they led them to a nearby forest. It took the Germans and their Ukrainian assistants half a day to execute all those people. In the next two days of August 19 and 20 in Łomazy about 30 Jews were caught who had been hiding during the ghetto liquidation. They were transported to the forest and shot to death, whereas the locals were told to bury their bodies. Now a memorial stone has been erected in that place.

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