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Pobołowice – December 2, 2019

In Pobołowice the Lasting Memory Foundation commemorated the place of execution and burial of approximately 20 Jews murdered by the Germans in the Death March on December 1, 1939. The ceremony of unveiling a memorial stone was attended by local residents and invited guests who paid tribute to the Dead.

The ceremony was attended by representative of the Chancellery of the President of Poland Dawid Drabik, Chief Rabbi of Poland Michael Schudrich, representative of the Episcopacy of Poland Mieczysław Cisło, Pastor of a local Pentecostal church Czesław Uszyński, local authorities, a group of around 100 guests from several countries, including the descendants of Jewish Victims from Chełm and Hrubieszów living in Israel and Brazil, teachers and students from a local school and the residents. The ceremony was led by Zbigniew Niziński – the Foundation’s president. The Rabbi, Bishop, Pastor and a cantor from Israel said their prayers. The students presented their artistic performance. The tragic events of December 1, 1939 were recalled.
The Victims were murdered during the Death March. In Chełm, in the town’s square, the Germans gathered approximately 2000 Jews, men between 16 and 60 years of age. Later they chased the Jews towards the Soviet Zone through Hrubieszów to Sokal on the the Bug river. Along the way, the Germans were shooting to the column of the marching men, killing the weak ones and executing the groups of Jews to intimidate the rest and accelerate the march. After the column had been gone, the bodies of the murdered Jews were lying along the route and were later buried by the locals forced to do so by the Germans.

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