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Krasne – July 20, 2021

The Lasting Memory Foundation located the grave of 35 Jews – residents of Krasne village, murdered by the Germans on February 11, 1942. The testimonies of eyewitnesses were collected and the names of the Victims were identified.

In February of 1942, as an act of revenge for partisans killing a German, the German military police organized manhunts in nearby villages. In Krasne they gathered 35 local Jews whom they had dragged out of their homes. Later they made them stand in front of one of the houses and executed them. On the Germans’ orders the locals buried the Jews on a nearby field where they rest until this day. Among the killed Jews there were whole families with children. The Foundation established the following personal information of the Victims:

Fajn Moszek - age 59
Lewenberg Tojwa - age 50
Rywka – Cela age 42
Abuś – age 38
Fajga – age 27
Pesa – Hadasa – age 19
Gdala- Dawid – age 17
Jakow- Dawid – age 15
Henia – age 12
Alter - Fiszel – age 11
Joel –Wolf – age 8
Lust Łaja – age 40
Chaja – age 25
Aron – Wolf – age 18
Chana- Fajga – age 15


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