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Topór – August 11, 2021

In the village of Topór, the Lasting Memory Foundation located the burial place of 16 Jews murdered by the Germans in the fall of 1942. The testimonies of witnesses were collected and the names of Victims were established.

In 1942 the group of Jews fled from the ghetto in Stoczek right before its liquidation and deportation to the extermination camp in Treblinka. 16 of them were hiding in the village of Topór where they were captured and locked in a basement. The German police officers took them out of the basement one by one, forcing them to run into a meadow and then shot them in the back. The residents of Topór buried the murdered Jews on the meadow at the execution site. The Foundation has established the following names of the Victims buried in the grave:
- Pesia Nóżka- age 12, daughter of a shoemaker from Topór
– her younger brother
– Szlojma, son of Berek who was a blacksmith in Topór
– Szlojma’s wife, daughter of a hat maker from Stoczek
– Gołda, daughter of Berek
– Josek, Gołda’s husband


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