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Krupińskie – November 16, 2021

In the village of Krupińskie, The Lasting Memory Foundation located and commemorated a grave of 2 Jews – a man and a woman murdered by the Germans in 1942. During the ceremony, the participants paid tribute to the Victims and expressed their opposition to hatred.

The ceremony was attended by: the Chief Rabbi of Poland Michael Schudrich, local authorities, principals from local schools together with their students, the President of The Lasting Memory Foundation Zbigniew Niziński and local residents.
The participants gave speeches and prayed together. Flowers were laid at the grave. The tragic events of winter 1942 were reminded: two Jews – a man and a woman – were hiding in nearby houses, but they were soon captured in a German manhunt and murdered. One of the locals was ordered by the Germans to bury the Victims.




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