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Mroków – June 2, 2022

In a forest in Mroków The Lasting Memory Foundation located and commemorated a grave of 5 Jews murdered in 1942 and held an unveiling ceremony with the presence of residents and guests.

The ceremony was attended by: the Chief Rabbi of Poland Michael Schudrich, representative of the Chancellery of the President of Poland Jakub Beczek, local authorities and clergy, students and teachers from the local school as well as the residents. The ceremony was led by the Foundation’s president Zbigniew Niziński.
After the memorial plaque had been unveiled, flowers were laid at the grave and the Rabbi and the Parish Priest prayed together. The students from the school in Korytnica gave a touching performance.
The events of 1942 were recalled. After the Germans transported the Jews from the ghetto in Żelechów to a German extermination camp in Treblinka, 5 Jewish escapees hid in a forest dug-out. Four of them came from Żelechów, including Lipa who jumped out of a train heading to Treblinka. One of them was Majer who came from Mroków. The residents of Mroków and Budziska helped the Jews by giving them food. The German military police organized a man hunt, surrounded the forest and executed the 5 Jews. They were buried in one pit.




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