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Warsaw- February 10, 2009

On 10 February 2009 in high school No. 104 in Warsaw The Lasting Memory Foundation organized a lecture and a special meeting between the students and Mrs Jadwiga Gawrych- the Righteous Among the Nations of the World.






The first part of the meeting included a presentation called “Common History”. It concerned the trips following the traces of Jews in Poland. Students got acquainted with preserved monuments of Jewish culture as well as with the sites of extermination. The next part included the story of the witness- Mrs Jadwiga Gawrych. She recalled the time when she and her family helped Jews during the occupation. Jadwiga Gawrych’s father, Jan Gawrych, made the biggest sacrifice- he was murdered by the Nazis. In 2001 Mrs Gawrych was recognized as a Righteous Among the Nations of the World. In 2007 the government of Israel granted her the honorary citizenship of their country. In 2008 she was awarded the Commander’s Cross of the Order of the Rebirth of Poland.



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