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Bialopole – February 11, 2011

On 11 February 2011 Zbigniew Niziński performed a history lesson in School Complex in Białopole. The lesson concerned the common history of Poles and Jews as well as the little known Extermination sites of Jewish victims. Students were also told about the Polish Righteous Among the Nations who rescued Jews during the Nazi occupation. After the meeting, a group of students and teachers visited the memorial stones in Busno and Strzelce, which had been set up by the Lasting Memory Foundation over the collective graves of murdered Jews buried in that area.

The students were shown a slide show and became acquainted with preserved monuments of Jewish culture, tombstone symbols and the Poles who assisted Jews during the Holocaust. Afterwards, Zbigniew Niziński and the group of students and teachers went to Buśno and visited the murder site of about 150 Jews from Chełm killed at the Death March in December 1939. This place had been preserved by the Foundation. After that, the group visited the burial site of 14 Jews killed and buried in Strzelce by the Nazis in May 1942. Wanda Jawor and Józef Ciszewski, the witnesses to the Holocaust, shared their memories beneath the monument.

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