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Mroków – June 2, 2022

In a forest in Mroków The Lasting Memory Foundation located and commemorated a grave of 5 Jews murdered in 1942 and held an unveiling ceremony with the presence of residents and guests.

Krupińskie – November 16, 2021

In the village of Krupińskie, The Lasting Memory Foundation located and commemorated a grave of 2 Jews – a man and a woman murdered by the Germans in 1942. During the ceremony, the participants paid tribute to the Victims and expressed their opposition to hatred.

Stromiec – October 22, 2021

In the town of Stromiec The Lasting Memory Foundation held an unveiling ceremony by the grave of Motel Zysmanowicz murdered in 1942. The ceremony was attended by the residents, local students and invited guests. The participants paid honors to the dead, reminisced about his life and tragic events from the times of war.

Olchowiec – September 13, 2021

In the town of Olchowiec, next to the grave of 47 Jews commemorated by the Lasting Memory Foundation in 2018, there took place a meeting between the Foundation board and the administrator of Obsza commune along with a teacher and students from a school in Olchowiec. The participants reminisced about the Victims and lit candles at the grave.

Topór – August 11, 2021

In the village of Topór, the Lasting Memory Foundation located the burial place of 16 Jews murdered by the Germans in the fall of 1942. The testimonies of witnesses were collected and the names of Victims were established.

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