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Fundacja Pamięć, Która Trwa
Topór – September 17, 2017.

At the invitation of the Commune Association of the Polish Veterans and Former Political Prisoners in Stoczek, Zbigniew Niziński took part in their meeting in Topór. He presented the actions of the Lasting Memory Foundation for commemorating the Victims, as well as honoring those who were rescuing other people in the area during World War II. The veterans recalled their experiences of the times of the war.

Zalesie – September 15, 2017

In Zalesie, next to the grave of 11 Jews murdered by the Germans in 1943, there took place a ceremony carried out by the Lasting Memory Foundation. Local residents, school children and invited guests attended the ceremony to pay honors to the dead.

Próchenki – July 25, 2017

In Próchenki the Lasting Memory Foundation commemorated the place of execution and burial of 8 Jews, men and women, murdered in 1943. The ceremony next to the Victims’ grave was attended by local residents, clergy, authorities and a group of 43 people from Israel. The participants paid tribute to the victims through prayers, poems and songs.

Zalesie – August 14, 2017

In Zalesie the Lasting Memory Foundation located and commemorated a burial place of 11 Jews, including 3 children, murdered by the Germans in 1943. Youth from Gedera in Israel, students and teachers from a high school in Ryki as well as clergy and local residents came to the grave to pay tribute to the Victims.

Dzierzkowice Podwody – May 7, 2017

A group of students from a school in Jerusalem visited the place of execution and burial of 13 Jews commemorated by the Foundation. Two families are buried in the grave, including 8 children murdered by the German soldiers in November 1942. Those gathered next to the grave sang together and said prayers.

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