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Stasiówka near Łomazy – September 9, 2015

A memorial stone was unveiled by the Lasting Memory Foundation in Stasiówka, next to the grave of 18 Jews murdered by German soldiers in 1942. The ceremony was attended by the youth from Israel and a Middle School in Łomazy as well as local authorities, residents of Stasiówka and neighboring villages. The participants recalled the tragic events of 1942, sang songs and prayed to pay tribute, respects and restore dignity to the dead.

Liszno – July 18, 2015

The residents of Liszno met with the guests from Norway and Israel right next to the grave of 31 Jews commemorated by the Foundation and together paid tribute to the victims. Among the participants were also: Member of the Polish Parliament Beata Mazurek and Mayor of Rejowiec Fabryczny Zdzisław Krupa. The ceremony was conducted by Zbigniew Niziński. After the meeting, performances by a local housewives’ musical band “Radość” and a band from Norway took place.

Stawce – July 14, 2015

In a forest in Stawce we set up a fence around the grave of 2 Jews murdered by the Germans in 1942. Local residents assisted in the works.

Osowa – June 25, 2015.

Along with an eyewitness and the land owner, we marked a grave of two Jews, father and son, killed by the German soldiers in 1942. The victims came from Włodawa. While staying in Osowa, they were captured by a German commander of a labor camp in Luta, who was passing by with his security guards, and later executed. The commander ordered to bury the Jews at the execution spot.

Warsaw – June 21, 2015

In Warsaw there took place a ceremony of handing over distinctions as part of the first edition of “Laur Pamięci” (Laurel of Memory) program which awarded people engaged in preserving the heritage of Jewish culture in Poland. The laureates were handed statuettes and diplomas by the Ambassador of Israel Anna Azari. One of them was Eugeniusz Gradek, the Foundation Council member, awarded for taking care of a Jewish cemetery in Żywiec.

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